Driveaway Price Calculations are subject to change. Final drive away price may vary due to individual circumstances.
Price per week calculations are a intended as a guide and are for illustrative purposes only. A confirmed price per week calculation can be provided on applying for Autoreviewa Finance.
Please note:
Costco and its affiliates do not directly sell automobiles or negotiate individual transactions. The vehicles available for sale through the Autoconnect program are subject to availability and are sold at a prearranged price set by the participating dealer. Certain vehicles may be excluded from the program.
Actual savings may vary depending on the specific vehicle purchased, the participating dealer, and the location. All information and vehicle data provided on this website have been sourced from reputable third parties. However, Autoreviewa, Costco Wholesale, and its subsidiaries do not provide any implied guarantees or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability of this information.
Autoreviewa advises Costco Members to independently verify all details, including vehicle specifications, pricing, and availability, with the participating dealership. Reliance on the provided information is at the Costco Member's own risk.
By participating in the Autoconnect program, Costco Members acknowledge and accept these
terms & conditions.
Autoreviewa Financial Services Pty. Ltd. (ABN 84 642 101 264) is an authorised credit representative (ACR #523886) of Fintelligence Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence #511803).